Monday, March 10, 2014

I'm going to take a quick break from a crafty post.  But then this might still fall into that category!  I'm not sure what it has been lately.  I don't know if my kids are just getting tired and bored of school, or if it because they have discover the Digimon TV series on Netflix from the 90's, or they are just becoming addicted to video games.  Probably it is all of the above.  Whatever it is, it is beginning to drive me nuts!  Either they rush through their homework to get to all these electronics or they whine and argue about having to do homework and especially their chores.  Now with daylight savigns time kicking in, I am anticipating it being worse! 

In my frustration, I am taking a cue from this and similar that I have seen a lot on facebbok.  The sign this mom made up says "Want today's wifi password? 1. Make your beds 2. Vacuum downstairs 3. Walk the dog"  Brilliant!  However in my house, the desk top uses wifi, the wii and the roku use wifi, the PS3 uses wifi all 4 tablets and all phones use wifi.  For whatever reason, I can never get the guest wifi to work on my tablet.  SO, changing the wifi password daily would be a huge inconvenience for me.  But I still LOVE the concept.  I decided to personalize it a bit. 

I really don't require much from my kids by way of chores.  They are supposed to put their laundry away daily, make their beds (which they should do in the morning) make sure their rooms are picked up and alternate unloading the dishwasher and setting the table and of course concentrate on homework.  I decided that, instead of changing the wifi password daily (which, like I said, would be a huge inconvenience for me) I am just going to take away all electronics including all TV remote controls, all hand held video games and tablets and all game controllers until their chores and homework are finished.  I also decided to make up this little poem that I will post in my kitchen:

The missions I refer to are those that the Flylady system uses.  On the Flylady website there is a kids challenge (my kids prefer to call them missions since the kids in the show Lab Rats go on missions).  I'm trying to encourage them to do the missions to keep their rooms clean and free of CHAOS.  I also have this chalk board that I made using a thrift store platter and chalk paint, that is hanging on my pantry door in the kitchen.  (ha and here I didn't think this post would have anything DIY in it!!)  I will post how I made this in another post some day. 

As you can see it started out as a homework board, but I have since switched it to a Flylady mission board.  I write the mission dailyon the board and they can look at it and do the mission.

Today will be the first day that I use the poem along with the board.  I am wondering how many eye rolls and whines I will get when they can't find anything electronic to play with!  Haha!!!  Hopefully it goes smoothly!!

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